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7 Foundations – (6.4a) Grasping the Magnitude of the Work of the Holy Spirit

How does the Full Foundation Function?

The Application of Foundation

Being Clothed with the Spirit as He Comes Upon Us

Leo Fenton (2014-2018)

There will be several different documents devoted to this 6th Foundation. Why?

That is because it is this impartation of the Holy Spirit into the lives of all New Covenant believers that causes these believers to become operational within the Body of Christ.

The obvious reason the pew-sitting church has become comatose is that they are simply NOT New Covenant believers.

These following applications do NOT apply to that multitude of believers who have not yet participated in the New Covenant provisions.

The Holy Spirit has been sent to directly impact, change, modify and transform the lives of each New Covenant believer.

2 Thessalonians 2:13-14

13 But we should always give thanks to God for you, brethren beloved by the Lord, because God has chosen you from the beginning for salvation through sanctification by the Spirit and faith in the Truth.

14 And it was for this He called you through our Gospel, that you may gain the Glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

“I will put a New Spirit within you and then I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk” has been ignored when applied to the Christian Life, as an actual experience.

Some are so ignorant that they say this was just a promise to Israel.

Others say the New Spirit IS the Holy Spirit so we receive the Holy Spirit when we are born again.

It would be presumptuous to imply that the natural man can understand anything about the Holy Spirit.

Even the new inner man can only know things in the spiritual realms when the Holy Spirit reveals these things to him.

Therefore, when the natural man confesses that our little minds cannot understand God, he is absolutely correct.

However, everyone who has experienced the New Covenant Provisions, and has these seven (7) Foundations in their experience, will have the Living and Abiding Word of God living within their new inner man.

This Living Word IS the New Spirit and He does know and understands the things of God.

It is the Holy Spirit’s work to take from that Living Word of God and reveal these things to us.

It is the work of the Holy Spirit to reveal to us what we need to know.

He will take the things of Christ Jesus and reveal them unto us along with future things yet to come.

No one knows the thoughts of God EXCEPT the Spirit of God.

The New Covenant ministry is receiving these spiritual thoughts and then receiving the spiritual words to convey those thoughts.

This is not only normal, it is one of the many Absolutes.

1 Corinthians 2:11-12

11 For who among men knows the thoughts of a man except the spirit of the man, which is in him? Even so the thoughts of God no one knows except the Spirit of God.

12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit Who is from God, that we might know the things freely given to us by God.

John 16:15 “All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said, that He takes of Mine, and will disclose it to you.”

It addition to revealing to us the things to come, the primary function of the Holy Spirit is that we may minister God’s Words and then to know Him, God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ, by revelation.

One of the Seven Spirits of God is the Spirit of Wisdom and of Revelation in the Knowledge of Him.

Of course this revelation is only available to those of us who have participated in the New Covenant provision and experienced the seven experiential Foundations.

It is the New Covenant Priesthood that functions in the Holy Place Realm.

Ephesians 1:17-21

17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of Glory, may give to you a Spirit of Wisdom and of Revelation in the Knowledge of Him.

18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you may know what is the Hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

19 and what is the surpassing greatness of His Power toward us who believe. These are in accordance with the working of the strength of His Might

20 which He brought about in Christ, when He raised Him from the dead, and seated Him at His Right Hand in the heavenly places,

21 far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age, but also in the one to come.

This degree of revelation and understanding should be normal and functioning regularly within the New Covenant Church. Why?

When He ascended to the Right Hand of God, the Almighty, He received the promised Holy Spirit Who He poured out upon the waiting disciples on the first Pentecost.

Christ Jesus was resurrected by the Power of the Holy Spirit by the working of the strength of His Might!

He not only raised Christ from the dead,Healso released the surpassing greatness of His Power toward us who believe.

If these Scriptures are so clear and straight forward, many wonder why there are so many doctrinal conflicts and outright denials of the Holy Spirit’s work in the church.

The answer to that question is not complicated.

Doctrines should be established AFTER we have received the experience of that truth.

If 10 persons create a doctrine before they have received the experience, there will be 10 different doctrines.

If all 10 persons have the experience first, the doctrines may be diverse but they will be compatible. Why?

They proceed from the same experience.

This is why we should ONLY receive the doctrine of the Baptism in the Holy Spirit from someone who has experienced the Baptism in the Holy Spirit.

Listening to a pastor speak about salvation when he has not yet experienced salvation is quite interesting.

What many share about water baptism is just ridiculous!

After having sent these documents out for several years, it becomes clear that it is not possible to do an in depth study of Bible Truths and simplify the Truths so everybody can understand them with the natural mind.

Each seeker of Truth must make a full transition to the new inner man realm to obtain the inspiration of the Holy Spirit individually as a living experience.

It is AFTER we experience this manifestation of the Spirit that these things actually work to our benefit.

In addition to that, we will need a focused and restored mind that pays attention to facts as they are developed.

Then we will need the enlightening of the Holy Spirit to bring life and reality to the facts and information we have received from the Scriptures.

This is true of any Bible Truth and the casual inquirer will understand very little regardless of how carefully they are shared.

Any document we may write has this same limitation and that becomes the source of so much confusion, criticism and rejection.

The one primary Truth that will unfold throughout the studies is that man is totally, absolutely and unalterably dependent upon God for all Truth.

God is Truth and the Source of all Truth.

Man cannot originate Truth.

If man is to receive Truth, he must receive it from God, by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.

Man is always disappointed when he seeks to find Truth in the philosophy and wisdom of men, even if they have a doctor’s degree.

The second Truth is that man must unconditionally surrender and submit to the discipline of God.

Only if he is a sincere seeker after TRUTH will he understand Truth.

The difficulty we find with Truth is that it has more than one side.

It might be compared to the New Jerusalem which is four square and is as high as it is wide.

Or it may be compared to the twelve gates of the city.

To clearly see the reality of the city it is necessary to look in each gate and then walk through the city.

Seldom can we find a person that can maintain a balance between two sides of a truth and to hold an equal clarity on each side.

In most cases those who hold to a clear and illuminated view of one side of Truth will neglect the other side of Truth.

I must confront this constantly in my own struggle to discover Truth.

It is apparent that many are unaware that Truth even has several sides.

Since God is infinite, Truth is also infinite.

The one thing to avoid is this: if we don't understand a Truth please don't automatically reject it as untrue.

We should seek for the Holy Spirit to enlighten us.

This has been a major problem with those who acknowledge the Holy Spirit.

They may accept the Holy Spirit in His personal work of regeneration but then deny His Gifts of Power or His personal work of separating ministries within the church.

Some even declare that there has been no personal inspiration or revelation available to the church since that last Apostle died and we got the Bible.

We will not even suggest that we can know anything about Truth except by inspiration and revelation of the Holy Spirit.

We are simply seekers after Truth and hopefully God will, by His Spirit, help us.

Our own confidence is being strengthened because we believe the time has come when those who participate in this next restoration of God will do so by the Power, the leading and the revelation of the Holy Spirit.

What we have experienced in the past is just the “down payment” upon the fullness that is now available to those who are willing to pay the price of establishing these Seven (7) Foundations as inner life realities.

We believe the functioning church, that He is Building, must live in a daily and hourly relationship with the Person of the Holy Spirit and obtain the increasing, unceasing and immediate working of the strength of His Might.

Let us try to forget the doctrine until after we have sought and received the actual experience!

Doctrines are much more accurate following the experience.

Only by this can the church experience the strength of His Might and the full Power of God.

These Seven (7) Foundations must occur in the believer BEFORE that Power of the Kingdom can be manifested objectively to the unbelievers.

In the same way that we can't live on yesterday's manna or live by breathing yesterday's air, we can't maintain our spiritual life unless we live in constant communion with Him Who is our spiritual Life, the Living and Abiding Word of God and the Holy Spirit.

This is affirmed by many Scriptures.

John 16:7 "But I tell you the Truth, it is to your advantage that I go away; for if I do not go away, the Helper shall not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you.”

After Jesus finished His work of redemption for man, it was to our advantage that Jesus go away and send the Holy Spirit to us.

Jesus gave a brief outline, that was surely not complete, of what the Holy Spirit's work would be when He came to dwell in us.

John 14:16-17

16 “And I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever;

17 that is the Spirit of Truth, Whom the world cannot receive, because it does not behold Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you, and will be in you.”

The “will be IN YOU” signals something brand new for the believer at their experience of Pentecost.

The Almighty God; the Father, the Word and the Spirit, is in Heaven, along with the Man, Christ Jesus.

The Holy Spirit has come to earth for the Church age.

This is affirmed many times!


  • the Living and Abiding Word of God {the Spirit of Christ}; and
  • the Holy Spirit

were now permitted to be "in us".

Since communication with Heaven is through the Holy Spirit, our communication is not a long distance call.

The Divine Life that is in us is the Divine Resurrected Life of the Living and Abiding Word of God and was imparted to us by the Holy Spirit of God.

It is the Law of the Spirit of Life in Christ Jesus that has set you free from the law of sin and of death.

Ignoring the Holy Spirit, in His New Covenant work, has produced a deadness and irrelevancy in the comatose church, universally.

Matthew 10: 19-20

19 “But when they deliver you up, do not become anxious about how or what you will speak; for it shall be given you in that hour what you are to speak.

20 For it is not you who speaks, but it is the Spirit of your Father Who speaks in you.

This is also the exact way the New Covenant ministry is designed to work.

The Holy Spirit takes from the Living and Abiding Word of God and SPEAKS these things in us!!

Ministry is repeating what we “hear.”

How do we know that?

That is how Jesus ministered and how the Holy Spirit ministers today.

Many, who sincerely desire a closer communication with Jesus Christ, ignore the Holy Spirit and wonder why they are not getting through.

If we understood that it is the Holy Spirit's work to communicate to us everything we are to know from God the Father and the Living and Abiding Word of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, we would give Him the honor due to His name and position.

The Holy Spirit is God's Agent on the earth during the church age.

He is Melchizedek to us and came to earth as a King/Priest of the Most High God.

If we neglect His Agent we are neglecting God, Himself.

Our life would be very different if we lived in dependence upon the Holy Spirit and gave Him His God-given authority and dominion in our lives.

The church is without power because it has neglected Him Who is all Power.

If we could just comprehend that Jesus' work didn't climax at Calvary but it climaxed when He ascended to the Right Hand of God and received the Promise of the Holy Spirit, a lot of this confusion would disappear.

All Jesus' earthly ministry focused upon that blessed time when He could pour out the Holy Spirit upon His disciples.

If we are short-sighted and look upon Calvary as the final achievement of Jesus' life and ministry, we will think Pentecost was an anticlimax that was of little importance.

On the contrary, Pentecost was one of the reasons for His work on Calvary.

Of course it was Calvary that paid our redemption price but it was Pentecost that empowered the church to carry on the work that Jesus started.

John 14:12 “Truly, truly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go to the Father.”

The Holy Spirit is the mighty Power of God and the Power Source of all the greater works.

This message and work of the Holy Spirit is an essential part of the message of the Kingdom of God and the spiritual work of the Church.

Without Him there is no Anointing on our message and there is no Power in our work.

Therefore our work is without Life.

What the church really needs for renewal is the continuous operation of the Holy Spirit and all His Gifts functioning in the daily life of all believers.

The fact is that our faith stands more on the wisdom of men than it does on the Power of God.

Why is that possible?

That is because we have missed or ignored the INNER Anointing by the Holy Spirit.

1 John 2:20 But you have an Anointing from the Holy One, and you all know.

1 John 2:27 And as for you, the Anointing which you received from Him abides in you, and you have no need for anyone to teach you; but as His Anointing teaches you about all things and is true and is not a lie, and just as it has taught you, you abide in Him.

Why is it that we do NOT know these Mysteries?

Why is it that we constantly need men to teach us?

Why is the Holy Spirit NOT teaching us in the new inner man?

We can ONLY conclude that we have neglected the inner man Anointing and are ignorant of what it means to “Abide in Him.”

In these days immediately ahead, it is imperative that we learn how to meet with God and live in His Presence.

It is imperative that we ascend to the Priesthood ministry after the Order of Melchizedek.

How do we know that and why can we speak with so much confidence?

That is because we have recognized the Tabernacle of Moses as a picture of spiritual and heavenly things and the pattern for preparing that New Covenant Priesthood.

The function of the Seven Spirits of God is clearly revealed in the Holy Place as the sole illumination of the new inner man and the Church He is building during the church age.

Whatever is essential to preparing believers to function within the Lampstand Church is the responsibility of the ministries that Christ has set in the church He is building.

This “Lampstand Church” is the one He is building!

Because so much of this goal is misunderstood, ignored, overlooked or just neglected, the casual church can never understand or outline the Eternal Purpose of God.

Why is that true?

That is because it is the Lampstand Church that is being prepared through “overcoming” to inherit:

  • the Promise,
  • the prestige and
  • the intimacy of the New Jerusalem and
  • to fulfill God’s Purpose.

Rev 21:7 "He who overcomes shall inherit these things, and I will be his God and he will be My son.”

Each of our days are numbered here on earth and this IS the ONLY time we have to be transformed and that we can overcome.

When our days come to an end on earth there is no more opportunity to be transformed.

Therefore, whatever is essential to our rising up out of our fallen state and becoming partakers of the Divine Nature must become the most important priority in our lives.

Christian salvation must have the power to transform a sinful man into a Godly person or he may never reflect the nature and character of Jesus Christ.

However glorious the outward things may appear, church activities, reformations, revivals, restorations, men, angels or any other thing, can never complete the work required for such a personal transformation in us. The New Covenant is inward.

This requires the immediate, personal and subjective work of the Holy Spirit breathing His Life into us and changing us from what we are to what we ought to be.

This work, of course, calls each of us:

· into a full consecration and

· to a full surrender, and

· to a total obedience and

· to full dependence upon the Divine work of the Holy Spirit of God.

For this purpose He, the Holy Spirit, came into the redeemed.

If forgiveness of sins was the whole purpose of Calvary and God's Purpose came to a climax at the Cross, what was the purpose of Pentecost?

What additional great thing would be accomplished by the coming of the Holy Spirit?

Was the purpose to provide an abstract influence, as is ignorantly declared?

Or maybe He came just for evangelism and winning souls as is commonly taught?

Was the Holy Spirit {Who is God} given the highest position on earth and was He to become “Lord” over the church?

He came as the King and is the Priest of God Most High. {see the Seven Spirits of God}

To grasp this significance it is necessary to know and experience what “LORD” really means.

It is not just a title but reflects a Sovereign Government of the Kingdom of God!

G2962 κύριος kurios Thayer Definition:

1) he to whom a person or thing belongs, about which he has power of deciding; master, lord

1a) the possessor and disposer of a thing

1a1) the owner; one who has control of the person, the master

1a2) in the state: the sovereign, prince, chief, the Roman emperor

1b) is a title of honor expressive of respect and reverence, with which servants greet their master

1c) this title is given to: God and the Messiah

A related word from kuros (supremacy)

The question to every believer is this:

  • Is God {the Father, the Word, the Holy Spirit} "A" Lord Who may be ignored and neglected and assigned a place outside the door of the church?
  • Is He "A" Lord Who may occasionally be invited to participate in a meeting?
  • Is He "A" Lord Who we only acknowledge when we need healing or have gotten ourselves into some kind of trouble?

2 Corinthians 3:17-18

17 Now the Lord is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.

18 But we all, with unveiled face beholding as in a mirror the Glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.

J.B. Phillips translates this as "We are transfigured in ever-increasing splendor into His Own Image, and the transformation comes from the Lord Who is the Spirit".

We probably don't equate "the Lord" and the Spirit together because we are so familiar with the term “the Lord Jesus Christ.”

We are recognizing “the Spirit” as the Holy Spirit.

This is another Mystery of the Trinity.


  • the Father is called Lord,
  • the Word of God is called Lord and
  • the Holy Spirit is called Lord
  • and now Jesus Christ is called Lord.

We might say the Holy Spirit is here, during the Church age, representing the Lord's Person and His Will to the believers.

Therefore to reject the Holy Spirit is to reject the Lord Jesus Christ and His Work.

Or we may say the Holy Spirit is standing as the King Priest, in the Lord's place, in the Church.

We may interpret this as, the Holy Spirit has now been assigned the place of “Lord” and highest Authority over the church. (i.e. the Seven Spirits of God)

However we define it, it is clear the Holy Spirit is God’s Authority, the King/Priest in the Church that Christ is building.

He is not building His Church in the Outer Court but in the Holy Place.

It is the church that men are building who ignore His Authority.

However, it is the Seven Spirits of God, the Seven Flames of Fire, that sits directly upon the Lampstand Church.

It is the Seven Spirits of God that produce Light to the Lampstand Church.

If we ignore, resist, grieve or reject His work and Authority in the Church, we are in very serious trouble.

Without Him, we would just become an orphan group.

There certainly are many "orphan churches" out there.

This inner work of the Holy Spirit can be tested in our own experience.

Just sit quietly and read any Scripture you want and no matter how delighted you are with it, it will leave you cold, poor and empty if there is no revelation. Why?

Without the inner work of the Holy Spirit and without His revelation, no Life will be breathed into those Words.

It is the Holy Spirit Who gives Resurrection Life to the new inner man and clothes him with Christ.

Without a union and dependence upon the Holy Spirit, the Scriptures will be read as any other book.

We might say the Holy Spirit is the Lord of the Scriptures.

He is the Doorkeeper of revelation and spiritual knowledge.

To preach from that empty relationship and to trust on natural ability to understand is the failure of the modern system.

Romans 5:3-5

3 And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance;

4 and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;

5 and hope does not disappoint, because the Love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who was given to us.

In this same way, human love will rise no higher than itself, unless the Holy Spirit imparts a quickening and a Life sufficient to receive the Love of God.

The Love of God must be received before it can be manifested.

Man is incapable of generating the Love of God out from himself.

This is why over 50 % of Christian marriages fail.

Human love is insufficient to maintain a mutual and spiritual relationship between a husband and wife.

The new inner man can reflect nothing that God has not first imparted.

The new creation man is totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit for all impartation of the Divine Nature which only comes from God.

If we reject the Holy Spirit's subjective work in us, we are stuck with just doing the best we can as human beings.

Our expectation is then “Well, God, I did all I could.”

This is really disgusting when we see what God has provided and imparted to us in the New Covenant.

Even though we may be “redeemed” (had our sins forgiven) according to a church standard, we can develop no better nature or character or Christ-likeness than we had before redemption, except by the Work and the intervention of the Holy Spirit in us, that is in the new inner man.

Does this sound doctrinally correct? Of course!

But it does not happen automatically because we know the doctrine.

The inner transformation requires that we be led, renewed and personally governed by the Holy Spirit.

This is His work of establishing the Kingdom within us.

The Kingdom and the inner work of the Holy Spirit

must become our Life experience.

While ALL the decisions for the building of His Church must be made in Heaven, the Agent upon earth Who carries out the work, is the Holy Spirit.

This can be seen clearly in Genesis 1.

Genesis 1:2-3

2 And the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the surface of the waters.

3 Then God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light.

In the beginning there was:

· the Father,

· the Word

· and there was the Holy Spirit.

God, the Father, originated and established His Eternal Purpose and designed a system to complete that Purpose.

In this arrangement the Word of God spoke and the Holy Spirit accomplished exactly what the Word said.

The Holy Spirit was the Agent on earth, with all Power to complete the work!

It was He Who carried out the restoration of the earth and set God’s Plan into operation.

  • The Father is the Author of the work,
  • the Word of God is the Voice directing the work and
  • the Holy Spirit is the Arm of God stretched out to perform the work.

The Father, the Word and the Holy Spirit are in perfect harmony and are One and None operate in isolation.

The Holy Spirit doesn't work independent of the Father or the Word.

John 16:13-15

13 "But when He, the Spirit of Truth, comes, He will guide you into all the Truth; for He will not speak on His Own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come.

14 He shall glorify Me; for He shall take of Mine, and shall disclose it to you.

15 All things that the Father has are Mine; therefore I said, that He takes of Mine, and will disclose it to you.”

This is not surprising because Jesus did not speak on His Own initiative either.

John 14:10 "Do you not believe that I Am in the Father, and the Father is in Me? The Words that I say to you I do not speak on My Own initiative, but the Father abiding in Me does His works.

From this it may be clearer how the Word and the Holy Spirit work together as One but certainly not independent of the Father.

The Trinity is one God.

The application is this: All perfect Nature and Character were in God from all eternity.

This perfect Nature and Character cannot exist except in God Who is the Author and Source of those Eternal Attributes.

There is only "One," therefore, Who is "Good" and that is God.

Luke 18:19 And Jesus said to him, "Why do you call Me Good? No one is Good except God Alone.”

All "GOODNESS" originates in God, Who is the Source.

He is primary "Goodness."

In all of creation there is none Good except God.

Goodness is the exclusive Attribute of God.

All that could be named Goodness, Holiness, Perfection and everything that these terms define can only be found in God.

Trying to reproduce these things out of our human ability and our own cleverness is completely impossible and futile.

If we are ever going to manifest any of these things they must be first imparted to us from God.

However, God doesn't impart these things, as "things."

Since He, Himself, is these Attributes, He must come Himself and be these qualities in us.

Any "Goodness" that is manifested, that does not come from God's immediate Presence, is counterfeit goodness.

Human goodness is counterfeit Goodness!

The past failure of the Holiness movement to produce holiness, through man-made designs, is still doomed each time it is repeated.

God could not produce a created being to be great, Divine, glorious and manifest His Attributes and still design man to be independent of Himself.

The creature's glory is confined to the Glory of God dwelling in it.

Even the archangels have no glory apart from God.


  • all Light,
  • all Glory,
  • all Wisdom,
  • all Knowledge,
  • all Love,
  • all perfection,
  • all patience,
  • all fruit of the Spirit

are in God Himself.

He doesn't impart these things to us. He, Himself, must become these things in us.

1 Cor 1:30 But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, Who became to us Wisdom from God, and Righteousness and Sanctification, and Redemption,

Now, since religion cannot produce the Power and Presence of God in us, it is totally useless, and more than worthless, because religion still gives some hope of being right with God.

The conclusion of the matter rests in the fact that it is finally:

· the Presence of God,

· the Anointing of God,

· the working of God, and

· the Power of God in us,

which is essential to our functioning in the basic Christian Life in the new inner man.

The full redemption and the real Resurrection Christian Life is totally the blessing of the Holy Spirit sent to dwell in us and be God with us and in us.

He prepares us so God can be with us and in us.

Holiness, then, is the result of God immediately and manifestly and continuously working in us through the Holy Spirit.

Man is incapable of being "Good" or correct himself.

That is the curse and failure of all religions and man-made ministries.

It is just as useless for a minister, who sets himself up as God's sheriff, to correct other men's lives by his own philosophy or his own wisdom.

His brand of holiness is just that, his own brand.

The minister's work, as I see it, is to get believers joined to God and encourage them to submit and surrender to the workings of God.

The minister must be continuously filled with the Spirit of God or he will soon deviate from his responsibility.

What a pitiful system has survived!

Matt 19:12 "For there are eunuchs who were born that way from their mother's womb; and there are eunuchs who were made eunuchs by men; and there are also eunuchs who made themselves eunuchs for the sake of the Kingdom of Heaven. He who is able to accept this, let him accept it."

There were the natural eunuchs in the Old Covenant who played their part in the unfolding of natural servitude. They explained the natural eunuch.

However, the New Covenant eunuchs function in an entirely different realm which relates to the Kingdom of God.

The New Covenant “eunuchs” of God will refrain from impregnating their own life into the church but guard the church so that no life except the Life of the Lord Jesus Christ is imparted. This is NOT physical, this is Resurrection Life!

Like it was with Mary, we must be overshadowed by the Holy Spirit and the Holy One and the one who is given birth, is the child of God.

When ignorant man {not a eunuch} tries to overshadow the church, he steps out of the realm of creature and tries to ascend to the realm of Creator.

He makes another big mess like Satan.

Ministers can become like devils if they don't surrender the church to the workings of the Holy Spirit.

The truth of the beam and the splinter especially applies to the ministers, as well as everyone else.

The fact is all men begin this transition and have either a beam or a splinter.

The Holy Spirit is the Eye Specialist Whose eye is clear.

He has neither a beam or a splinter.

He sees and corrects with a view to not only this life but also for eternity.

The real New Covenant minister will certainly NOT attempt to impregnate his life, ideas, concepts or opinions into the church that is to become the Bride of Christ.

She MUST remain as Virgin.

A minister must have spiritual circumcision AND spiritual castration are necessary to become a eunuch.

A minister, a person or a church walks in full submission and obedience to the Holy Spirit, everything will be accomplished that is written in the Word of God.

In these past years so much emphasis has been placed upon the Bible as the Word of God that it is supposed that if we read and read the Bible something supernatural and eternal will happen in our lives.

While we are not depreciating the value of Scripture, we insist there is a Word of God that comes to us only as the Voice of God that imparts Life.

John 5:39-40

39 "You search the Scriptures, because you think that in them you have Eternal Life; and it is these that bear witness of Me;

40 and you are unwilling to come to Me, that you may have Life.

Without the Holy Spirit as our continuous inner Illumination and Guide, we may read the Scripture regularly but still not possess the Resurrection Life sufficient to understand or change or mature!

Rather, the carnal Christian will trust that having read, we are now alright.

The church in general never had the Bible in the language of the people or in an available book form until the 1500's.

However, many saints of God lived hundreds years before the times they had a Bible and they preached and manifested the Word of God.

Many ministers were just humans who built churches and made up doctrines.

The Holy Spirit wrote His Laws upon their heart and taught the real ministers the Ways of God.

At the same time the Catholic Church had the written Scriptures and perverted everything into a religion.

Thank God we don't have to choose either one or the other.

We have both the written Word of God and the Living and Abiding Word of God and the Holy Spirit to make them experiential.

However, having the Bible, without the inspiration and explanation of the Holy Spirit, it can easily become a book that can only be just a book of doctrines which cannot impart Life.

True Christianity must be the result of the Spirit of God and the New Inner Man being brought together in a Resurrection Life union and communion.

We might say the breath of man must become the Breath of God.

As the first Adam had no function until God breathed His Breath into him, so modern man can produce nothing eternal until he has received the Breath of God.

John 20:22 And when He had said this, He breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit.”

The Spanish Bible says "He blew into them and said receive the Holy Spirit."

While natural breath comes from the atmosphere, spiritual breath can only come from God.

As yesterday's natural breath will not sustain you today so yesterday's spiritual breath will not sustain you today.

We can learn much from nature about the mystery of creation.

Every tree grows and bears fruit by the same life that is inherent within the seed.

In that same way, we can only mature and bring forth fruit by the same life that begot us.

We can't produce fruit independently and by our own effort.

We can return nothing to God as fruit that we did not first receive from God.

The Vine and branch relationship is essential to producing fruit.

Then we may ask; Is the fruit from the Vine of from the branch?

Jesus said the branch cannot bear fruit of itself.

If we are to return real Love back to God we must first receive the Divine Love from God.

Rom 5:5 and hope does not disappoint, because the Love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who was given to us.

God IS Love and He puts His Love in us through the Person of the Holy Spirit.

The fruit of the Spirit is just like that.

The fruit that is produced in us is by the working of the Holy Spirit.

He is the Source and we are the branch upon which it grows.

Nevertheless, it is the Vine, Christ, Who is the point of the abiding contact with the branch.

Still, without the Holy Spirit, it is impossible to produce the fruit of the Spirit.

All godly nature and all spiritual work must be the result of what God has put in us through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

God can get nothing out of us that He doesn't first put into us.

Eating natural food can never satisfy spiritual hunger.

Doing religious work through natural means can never satisfy the spiritual desires of the fully redeemed man.

For our work to manifest Truth and Power it must have its source in Truth and Power.

The Christian Resurrection Life must be lived by manifesting the Life of Another.

All spiritual work must be built upon this supernatural ground.

It must not just be us trying to live the Christian life but it must be Christ in us manifesting His Life.

It is “CHRIST in us Who is our Hope of Glory.”

Producing that Glory is the work of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is MORE of God's Life in us.

We can ignore Him and live the best we can with our Adam life.

We can even stand in the pulpit and “minister” that unredeemed life.

Someone in the visible church may even teach us how to act like Christians.

Any religion that is built upon the reasoning and intellect of man can never be more than a shallow religion.

The point is this:

When man sets out to seek God, he is hoping to find God in a more real and intimate way.

Immediately, he finds he lacks the necessary ability in himself or with the proper knowledge to even begin to know God.

Because of our natural inability it is very easy to get discouraged and stop trying.

The Holy Spirit must first birth something in us.

Even our ability to seek God must first come from God by being drawn.

John 6:44 "No one can come to Me, unless the Father Who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up on the last day.”

This “drawing man into the Divine realms” is the work of the Holy Spirit and it is His inner work in the new inner man that puts into us the desire to seek God.

It is God’s work within the New Covenant that causes us to walk in the Ways of God.

God took the initiative to first breathe into man and he became a living soul.

This was NOT man’s idea!

Because Adam did not eat from the Life of God he lost the Breath of God by which he lived.

Jesus then breathed into them after His resurrection and man once again received the Breath of God.

Until God breathes into us, we can't be regenerated.

The Holy Spirit is that Breath of God.

If we stay continually filled with the Spirit, we will live within the Breath of God.

Too many suffocate spiritually for the lack of the Divine Breath because they don't stay filled with the Spirit.

In the same way the branch must wither and die when it is separated from the Vine so we also must live within the Breath of God.

For man to continue to live in his redeemed state, it is necessary to breathe in (to inhale) the Spirit of God.

Spiritual breath is as necessary to us as natural breath is for the survival of the natural body.

John 15:5 "I am the Vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.

This is a Gospel fact THAT IS REGULARLY IGNORED because we still think we can do something.

“God has done so much for me, now let me do something for God, will not work.”

Whatever we attempt to do apart from Christ will receive His evaluation as NOTHING.

If we truly lived by the Spirit and were led by the Spirit, He would make sure our work would not be graded as NOTHING.

Man who insists upon designing and planning his own work will be disappointed when we each must give an account of our life to Jesus Christ.

God accepts no work done for Him that He did not start.

Too much “work” that has been started “by man” will be rejected.

That work was begun before these seven (7) Foundations were laid in their lives.