Introducing the Kingdom Preface to Study
What to Expect.
How do we prepare?
The Foundations To The Kingdom.
Re-edited and expanded, December 22, 2015
The Kingdom + The New Covenant is the Only Gospel.
The Inner Kingdom Experience is Basic Reality.
This is Our Preparation To Fulfill God’s Purpose.
Our Perfection Is Related to the Kingdom Life.
Christ, Who is Our Life, is Finally Revealed Within the Kingdom!
January 12, 2016 Rewritten, Modified and Extended.
When I began my “crusade” to investigate and solve the mystery of the Kingdom of God in the early 1980s, I began with an inquisitive mind and with a natural ability to analyze complex ideas and designs. In my business, I began to design electrical and mechanical systems to automate repetitive physical tasks for businesses. During the automation process several operations had to synchronize and interact at the precise time to complete the operation. Both the electrical and mechanical systems had to integrate with each other completely or the system broke down and product was lost.
I started to “analyze” the Kingdom with that same intellectual approach. Surely the “scholarly” approach could reveal the mysteries of the Kingdom. After I was familiar with the Kingdom Truth, I intended to check my ability to write an “essay” explaining what I had discovered. I started by filling several loose leaf notebooks with facts and information and short Bible studies on the Kingdom.
I think it was about 1990 that we did our first 5 day conference on the Kingdom in Puerto Rico. These many conferences that followed, were generally focused upon facts, information and doctrine “about the Kingdom” with a few examples from the Tabernacle of Moses intertwined in popular but religious rhetoric.
In 1991 I bought my first computer and tried to learn how to develop written documents to explain certain Kingdom Truths. I wrote several documents in a few months.
No matter how cleaver we are in the natural realm or how good we are at analyzing complex ideas and designs, none of that helps us “analyze” the Kingdom and its complex parts. After writing over 400 documents on the Kingdom, ONLY those that came through revelation are still helpful today. It is now clear that without a functioning Sovereign Inner Government, that we are committed to obey, the ideas and complex designs of the Kingdom will always remain a mystery. However, making up Kingdom ideas from a mental impress00ion, and then preaching that concept as the Kingdom is still very popular, but of questionable value. Calling these “ideas and mental gymnastics”, the Gospel of the Kingdom, is a big deception.
One day, several years ago, I discovered a simple truth in Scriptures that changed the way I saw the Kingdom and I understood that these scriptures defined it clearly in its basic form.
Isaiah 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. 7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.
When we begin to understand that His Kingdom and His Government is one package, and that the Kingdom is designed to be within us, I understood that His Government and Laws are designed for our obedience. To preach one without the other was only a half- gospel. The Government would rest upon the shoulders of the Messiah and from that time on and forever His Kingdom would be established. Forever, establishes the length of time of His Government and upon His shoulders establishes His activity, responsibility and authority within His Kingdom. “From there on” tells us that the Kingdom began back then. Therefore, the Kingdom is NOW!
Therefore, we cannot separate the Kingdom or its Government from Christ Jesus. This much is quite obvious! However, Daniel 7 established OUR inclusion and our participation, along with His mature saints, in the whole package of the Eternal Kingdom of God. This radically changes our perception from a passive “agreement” to an active “involvement” in His Kingdom. This fact, alone, should forever change how we view “salvation.” Why? That is because our salvation is included within this Kingdom / New Covenant Package!
Dan 7:27 And the kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall be given to the people of the saints of the most High, whose kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and all dominions shall serve and obey him.
The People who function within the lessor kingdom (under) must function as the saints of the most High. The “Most High” is the ONE who’s Kingdom is Everlasting! The saints can ONLY function under His Absolute Dominion. This describes the “smaller” kingdom that is related to the saints!
The saints of God, the true believers and participants, shall be given their part in the Kingdom Government of God. This includes the dominion, and the greatness of the kingdom under the whole heaven. This Greater Kingdom will also be everlasting. However, all those who exercise dominions shall serve and obey him. Lest we get “humbly boastful,” our “kingdom” must function under the Authority and Dominion of the Whole Heaven. We can ONLY function in “our kingdom” when we are in total submission to God’s Absolute Government. This IS the ultimate reason for the Consecration Offering! It is our total “consecration” which is the method God uses to activate our obedience, which activates the Kingdom in our experience!
Our obedience to His Government is essential to our participation in His Kingdom. It is HIS GOVERNMENT that shall have no end. However, this Government will continually be increasing (or gaining greatness) forever. That means HE IS THE ABSOLUTE AND SOVEREIGN HEAD of an increasing greatness of this Government, forever, or for all eternity.
From this understanding, it became clear that to pursue any other goal was stupid and at best would be just some temporal and maybe worthless religious activity.
During the first few years of my research on the Kingdom I had completed about 100 documents that investigated different aspects of the Kingdom. However, after I discovered, from the Book of Daniel, that the Kingdom is a Government with Laws, that God expects us to obey, my understanding of “GRACE” was radically changed. Instead of “GRACE” being an excuse for carnal living, I saw that “Grace” was given so we could obey His Divine Laws! The Grace to obey, results in the grace to understand. Why? An increase of understanding is provided by our increase of obedience. In other words, God withholds revelation from the disobedient, rebellious and casual believers, who have no intention of doing His will.
From that understanding, I realized that the Kingdom Government had to intersect with the Christian Life to produce an experiential transition, vision and growth that resulted in an inner ability to serve and obey Him! Writing documents about a Kingdom Government, without the ability to obey that Government, was a waste of time and gave a wrong impression about my “maturity.” Even though I had a limited understanding of the Kingdom, my ability to obey the laws, which I knew, was severely limited. People ask; If you have been seeking the Kingdom for 45 years, why has it taken so long to understand about the required obedience to His Government. That is because without a progressing obedience no real progress is possible in our understanding.
Some years ago, once again, my interest has rekindled to develop and analyze complex ideas concerning the Kingdom and to communicate these “concepts” through documents. It has been very frustrating attempting to create clear interconnections between the Kingdom Government and the Christian Life. It became obvious that these two, the Kingdom Life and the Christian Life must become one Life! It now appears that, sometime in our Christian experience, there must be an opportunity for all of Christianity to intercept with and be confronted by the Kingdom message and be redirected by the Gospel of the Kingdom. Then they must have the wisdom to respond through an inner Life connection. Why? These two, the Inner Life and the Kingdom, must combine into ONE Kingdom/ Christian Life for real Ministry to begin! Why? That is because, in the next restoration, all valid Kingdom Ministry will be out of the Uncreated Life of God. This is called in Hebrews 7, out of the Power of an indestructible Life!
Hebrews 7:15 And this is clearer still, if another priest arises according to the likeness of Melchizedek, 16 who has become such not on the basis of a law of physical requirement, but according to the power of an indestructible life.
This scripture identifies the New Covenant Priesthood ministry and how this ministry is not limited to a gift but is the result of ministering Kingdom Truth out the Uncreated Life of God.
Only recently have I discovered that without a “living and developing, inner life reality” associated with the “Consecration Offering” very little progress is possible. It is through the “consecration offering” that God can severely deal with our flesh and its works! Until our flesh is under control this “merging of Life” for ministry is impossible! Why? That is because those who are in the flesh can never please God.
Still, in the past several years, we saw “demonstrations of power, etc, as gifts of the Holy Spirit. That was wonderful for its time! However, some of us here believe that “the greater works” will only be manifested out of this MERGING OF LIFE! Speaking more plainly; Becoming “deeply integrated into the Kingdom Life”; The Life of Christ; is essential just to accurately preach the Kingdom of God, with signs following.
Why is that important? That is because several Scriptures reveal that the Kingdom must become a demonstrable reality within the Christian Community. I prefer the term “Christian Community” to a “Functioning Body” simply because in all our travels we have not experienced a “Functioning Body” that resembles what we expected to see, from the Scriptures!
As far as the “Kingdom Ministry” is concerned, we discovered quite early, the Kingdom is not in Word only but in power and in the demonstration of the Spirit. In other words, the Kingdom Message must become visible, by an outward manifestation, to confirm its authenticity. For example:
1Cor 2:4 And my message and my preaching were not in persuasive words of wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, 5 that your faith should not rest on the wisdom of men, but on the power of God.
Luke 11:20 “But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you. 21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own homestead, his possessions are undisturbed; 22 but when someone stronger than he attacks him and overpowers him, he takes away from him all his armor on which he had relied, and distributes his plunder.
My conclusion is this; The “interconnection,” (within the New Covenant minister) the merging of the minster’s life with the Kingdom Government, is experientially realized when there is an operating Kingdom Government, being obeyed, within the New Covenant minister!
NO KINGDOM= No Life; No Life = No Obedience; No obedience = No Kingdom Reality; No Kingdom reality = No New Covenant Ministry; No New Covenant Reality = A failed ministry.
This merging of the inner life is ultimate reality. We must comprehend, of course, this “merging” is not another Christian cliche, another doctrine or another fantasy or hyped up ministry. In other words; this is not doctrinal, theoretical, religious or just an arbitrary connection! This is an “inter-combining of Life”, within the New Covenant minister, which is essential to the Gospel Message! The Kingdom Ministry progresses as the minister’s Life is intertwined with the Uncreated Life of God. This “Kingdom connection” is supposed to result in the demonstration and evidence that a stronger Kingdom has arrived on the scene. That Stronger Kingdom, that casts out the lessor kingdom, must, therefore, be an active and a real Kingdom Government operating within the minister! This Kingdom Ministry is activated and sustained through his obedience to the Laws of the Kingdom! Why? It requires obedience in the minister in order to cast out disobedience in the people!
Even though that “evidence of power” has, for the most part, eluded my “ministry,” I believe these “signs” are the real evidence of an internal Kingdom Government and Laws that is actively working in the minister. This “conclusion” has changed or at least has modified my limited understanding about the Kingdom and the way God has designed the New Covenant ministry to work. Why?
That is because I know much more than I can live. Why? I know more about the Kingdom and its laws than I can obey. This inner Kingdom and its Government is experienced and obeyed wholly through the “grace” of the exchange of Life!
It is for that reason that the intellectual training and research is of very little benefit to us in our participation with the Kingdom Government of God. However, intellectual inquiry can produces “messages”, which are popularly called the Gospel of the Kingdom, but are NOT!
Since all church history is converging on one eternal point, the Eternal Purpose of God, that must become the central focus of any Kingdom / New Covenant minister. The “refocus of ministry” has been the central focus of many of our past documents. Still, that has had a very limited success! Without an experiential participation in the full New Covenant provision, the life altering Kingdom experience will be lost. All past Christian history, when considered from the viewpoint of Christ and the church, is converging upon one divine person who is Head and body!
Eph 4:10 He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things. 11 And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; 12 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: 13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the (epignosis- full) knowledge of the Son of God, unto a (one) perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ:
God’s design is for a corporate group of true believers to BECOME one perfect man. That means that this corporate group must grow and develop unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.
This “one New Man” is Christ Jesus, (being the head, AND HIGH PRIEST) and the perfected group of true believers becoming His functioning body. This completes the one perfect man! The ONE PERFECT MAN is also called the Body of our High Priest.
This understanding requires us to acknowledge that by His Resurrection and title, He is now our great High Priest and He holds His Priesthood forever. That means HE IS NOW HIGH PRIEST and the New Covenant Priesthood is in the Present Tense! It is at this time that God is choosing a Body / Bride / Ministry that is fully integrated into the HEAD, who is Our High Priest! During this church age, God is preparing a BODY for His High Priest. That means that the ONE NEW MAN becomes a Kingdom of Priests. Why? Everybody, within His Body, will be priests after the Order of Melchizedek.
The history of former generations is past, concluded and dead to us! It is this generation that we are responsible for. When we stand before the judgement seat of Christ, it is this generation that we must answer for and be judged whether we have qualified as ministers of the New Covenant of just took a job as “minster!” First, we must become members within the New Covenant provision and become New Covenant people! THAT is first! Then the question is this; have we been faithful in presenting and demonstrating God’s Eternal Purpose and the Kingdom to our generation.
Stated plainly; Have we focused, specifically, upon the perfection of the One New Man, and the full grown, mature body of our great High Priest? Even maturity in the body of Christ must transition to becoming mature in the body of our Great High Priest.
My theory is this; We cannot separate the Kingdom from the New Covenant Priesthood or from our High Priest OR from His body of Priests who are after the Order of Melchizedek. Why? That is because of what God is working toward IS a Kingdom of Priests, as One New Man.
Why? To produce a mature and obedient people to rule over the world yet to come.
Since this expected and predestined “Kingdom Transition” is certainly lacking visibility in the modern church ministry, there is no, or very little, evidence of the Kingdom Life and Government being currently revealed by the visible church.
Since this degree of the merging of Life, ZOE, into the Life of God is not well understood or easily accepted by many believers, I will attempt to show the logic of this understanding. This scripture in Colossians confirms our theory.
Col 3:1 If then you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
If CHRIST “IS OUR LIFE” is currently true, then a merger of Life has taken place. However, only one LIFE remains active, His Zoe Life! It is the merging of Life that produces the possibility of our participating in the ONE PERFECT MAN. Among those who are setting their mind on earthly things, including any person with only a natural mind, will obviously reject this truth. However, they will eliminate themselves from participation within the one perfect man. Why does this happen in the church?
It is so easy to read certain scriptures regularly but fail to recognize their Eternal Reality and their essential Truth. Therefore, this Truth fails to produce a participation and intermingling of His Life into our experience. It is the Reality of these verses that has altered my whole viewpoint of Christianity and the Kingdom of God and the New Covenant ministry. Why? That is because the Truth (experience) of these verses has yet to be manifested in the Visible Church Realm, as far as we know! For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God is not even “expected” to be a living reality where I visit!
It is for that reason that I am speculating (or guessing) that a universal manifestation of the Kingdom, as the greater and demonstrable Kingdom and its power, will precede the return of the Lord. We must NOT wait for that time to arrive before we live by His Life. Well, brother, how have you come to that conclusion? That conclusion is the result of 34 years of study and research on the 150 scriptures, including the 34 parables, concerning the Kingdom of God. Still, it is just my opinion!
I have been criticized for insisting that God’s purpose for the church age is not yet complete. I have also insisted that neither is Jesus going to return, in a few days, for a “baby church,” with no Kingdom obedience, and no manifestation of power and NO manifestation of the Spirit! Why? That is because it is this visible demonstration that clearly reveals the Kingdom to the world. To me, to insist that this level of maturity in the church and its ministries today is the expected level for the “manifestation of the Kingdom gospel” is ludicrous. Well, brother, how do know that Gospel the Kingdom will be preached before Jesus returns? That is because the Gospel is to be a “WITNESS TO ALL NATIONS.” “Witness” is something “seen.”
Mat 24:14 “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come.
Since we know the Kingdom is NOT in word only, we surely can expect to see the power and demonstration of the Spirit to follow! “And then the end shall come” indicates that the Gospel of the Kingdom with its power and demonstration will PRECEDE the coming of the Lord! This, of course, is not widely believed!
The other groups, and radio gossips, that expect the Lord to come at any minute only have an opinion or prophesy to offer. Some of these “opinions” are only theater and sound strange when they only focus upon various conspiracies and natural disasters as “signs” of of His coming.
While some of these thoughts in this document are new, I wanted to add this introspection to introduce this next “intervention” of the Eternal Kingdom with the Current Church System. Why? That is because it is this “intervention” of God that will produce the outward evidence (manifestations) which demonstrates the True Christian Life. This “inter working” of the Kingdom must become a positive “intermingling of Life” into every believer to produce an acceptable inner Life transformation, which demonstrates the New Covenant reality. How will this be seen? It become visibly as a Kingdom of Priests!
It has been pointed out that my documents on the Kingdom have been presented in a very negative way that gives a wrong impression of the Kingdom. My theory is that the Kingdom Message is only negative to those who have no intention of obeying the Kingdom Government!
In this Document I want to present the requirements of the Kingdom as a positive experience which prepares us to fulfill God’s Eternal Purpose. Why? Too much of the time, when we present the Demands and the Requirements of the Kingdom, they are received as something very negative and are perceived as being anti-grace doctrines. However, we always present the Kingdom Requirements as part of the New Covenant provisions and totally within the full grace of God.
Other criticisms generally comes from our hesitancy to make certain modifications to this Gospel in order to make the message more seeker friendly! Some think the Kingdom I preach is much too impossible to achieve. Still, the Kingdom is not a passive addition to the Gospel of Salvation but requires an aggressive seeking, pressing and nearly violent endeavor to reach the full experience and obedience to the Absolute and Sovereign Internal Government. Rather, the Gospel of Salvation is fully included within the total experience of Kingdom Government of God, when it is actively governing our life and we obey! Making the Gospel of the Kingdom primary and basic to the Christian Experience is considered as too radical. Some negative “doctrinal” response always follows our concept that our great Salvation is just part of the Kingdom package! When we repeat that HE SAVES THOSE WHO OBEY HIM, the response from many quarters is that Brother Leo teaches LAW and WORKS.
The fact is this; Yes! The Kingdom requires obedience to its laws (not the Law of Moses) and the King expects a manifestation of the Kingdom Life. In other words the Kingdom is visible by its manifestations in our lives. It is the Kingdom Life WITHIN that produces a Kingdom Ministry.
Luke 11:20“But if I cast out demons by the finger of God, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
The Kingdom is exactly as it is presented in Scripture and is an inherent and ermanent part of the Devine Order of Creation. In other words; The Kingdom preceded creation but became an intricate part of creation and it functions well when God has gained His Full dominion over His Creation. Since the larger part of God’s Creation knows nothing about God’s demands or of His Kingdom, He has appointed “ministries” to carry the Gospel of the Kingdom to every nation. But, what if Jesus comes next week BEFORE we decide to preach THAT gospel and the nations never hear. Well, only the ignorant and uninformed even suggest such a thing! NO! The full Kingdom Message WILL BE PREACHED, then, the end will come!
Therefore, when we attempt to make “modifications” to the Kingdom or to its demands and requirements, we are creating “an excuse for human failures, casual living and apathy.”
But, brother, doesn’t that “inability” to function within the Kingdom Government exist among all humanity? Yes! Of course it does, but that limitation and the numerous excuses about “human inability” are rejected by God, now! Why? That is because of the tremendous provisions of the New Covenant and the discipline provided by the Kingdom Government of God, through the Holy Spirit! All this PROVISION is inherent within the New Covenant Christian experience! The fact that God has offered us the indwelling fulness of the Holy Spirit and the Spirit of Christ (the Living and abiding Word of God) dwelling in us to establish the Kingdom Government of God, leaves us without an excuse. Why? That is because God puts His Kingdom Laws within us as an instrument of God’s correction, discipline, revelation and releases His Unfailing Grace to enable us to obey!
If it was not for the tremendous provision that God has offered us through Calvary, the New Covenant, the Kingdom Government and the creation of a new species of inner man, we would certainly have a valid excuse for our inability! However, our new Inner Man is of the same species (born of God) as was Christ Jesus. God has offered each of us the fulness of the Holy Spirit, and all that fullness provides. Therefore, we really do not have even one valid excuse for our apathy, unconcern and carnality. Unfortunately, no one, with any understanding of God’s Eternal Purpose and His unlimited provision, can ever offer any excuse when we appear before the judgement seat of Christ. The Bible says these will be unable to speak or give any answer (excuse) on that day.
As “ministers of the New Covenant” we must be able to define these new and abundantly supplied abilities that God has given us within the New Covenant and the Kingdom Government of God! Why? That is because these are our God given provisions to fully meet God’s needs for a people He can use to inhabit His Eternity! How is this designed to function? This “total provision” is God’s arrangement (GRACE) for achieving our predestined and “expected” growth and perfection, which is necessary to meet God’s NEED to complete His Final purpose for the Church Age!
If my theory is true, we should see this “grace,” at least partially demonstrated, experientially, in the history of past generations and also in our current history and experiences within the Lampstand Church and in the individual Christian life. Why? The Eternal Kingdom must have a history that begins in “eternity present” and become a real Government within us in order to prepare us for a place in the fullness of time, eternity future.
This “additional provision” is defined in “ Philippines 2:12 So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; 13 for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure.”
Those who resist the Full Working of God “IN THEM” will surely fail to discover God’s Will for themselves and be unable to live a Life Pleasing to God. It is this “Grace” of God working in us that activates the Full provision (ability) that God has ordained for the Church Age! This whole Christian Age is specifically designed to prepare us to participate in Eternity Future!
Eternity Future is revealed in the Tabernacle of God and our participation in the active function of a valid and Eternal Priesthood after the Order of Melchizedek. When is this (grace) finally fulfilled? In the World yet to come. Where does this Kingdom Government function in full dominion? On the New Earth, in the New Heaven and in the Eternal City, the New Jerusalem, and on Mount Zion, the Throne of God!
When we speak of the Kingdom’s origins we are NOT referring to “day one” or to some specific time when it began! The Kingdom of Heaven has always existed! It had no beginning and it has no ending because it is eternal. The Kingdom originates within God, Himself, and He is its Ultimate Government! Since God cannot be modified, His Kingdom is absolute and must not be modified by man to make it more acceptable to fallen humanity! It is fallen humanity that must be transformed to become compatible with the Kingdom and NOT the other way around. The Kingdom always “was” and it “is” and it ever “shall be.” God and His Kingdom are ONE and His Government cannot be separated from His Person.
Since the Kingdom is much more radical and demanding than has been thought by the visible church, the Kingdom must be defined by its eternal origin and by its Sovereign King! It is during the church age and in each generation that His work of preparation must be completed. Every day must count toward our Kingdom preparation and any wasted day, where no change is experienced, may severely alter our eternal destiny. Why? That is because the Kingdom Government of God and His Sovereign Laws must be experientially worked into our life. God must “work in us” to establish His Government, functionally, into our experience. Why? The Kingdom is not just a doctrine we learn but it IS a subjective Government that we must grow into by our obedience! How? His absolute government must make an absolute change and transformation in our life to be able to obey. How do we begin? That is by our obedience to His Laws. Why is this specifically relevant for the church today? That is because, ever since the fall of man, man has lost all ability to obey because of man’s fallen characteristics. Removing all these inabilities , through the real experiences of the foundations, is crucial to our obedience! How do they work toward our obedience? By their elimination for our lives! We call this process; “REVERSING THE FALL!”
We must, also, reverse the errors of past generations by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom as the New Covenant Gospel! Why? It is the Kingdom message that must turn us from a “redemption consciousness” through forgiveness of sins to a “Kingdom consciousness” in which His Laws and Government becomes a real subjective “inner life” experience! The Kingdom message must turn us from the overemphasis upon our “repentance and forgiveness of sins” to refocus our message upon “His Absolute and Sovereign Reign over every aspect of our life.” The Kingdom must come to have first place in our consciousness. We must refocus our message to the church from “believing in Him” to “serving and obeying Him” within a genuine experience of His Kingdom Government in the new inner man.
It is because of the lack of the Kingdom Message that we have a severe shortage of Kingdom Ministers! Since there are so few Kingdom Ministers there is also a severe shortage of the Kingdom Message. It is these TWO deficiencies that is responsible for the lukewarm, casual and carnal church system that has seriously failed God by not preparing a people to govern in His Eternal Plan and Purpose!
Even though we have shared these things in several past documents, it is essential that everybody is fully informed about how they may participate in Eternity Future and in the World yet to come!
Dan 7:27] `Then the sovereignty, the dominion, and the greatness of all the kingdoms under the whole heaven will be given to the people of the saints of the Highest One; His kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all the dominions will serve and obey Him.’
“Will be” has been added and is not in the original text so it really says “His Kingdom IS Everlasting.” This puts the Kingdom in the present tense rather in the future sometime. All the dominions will serve and obey Him is in the present tense. This is why we refer to the Kingdom as our present experience during the Church age. Jesus said the Kingdom is within you!
Dan 7:13 “I kept looking in the night visions, And behold, with the clouds of heaven One like a Son of Man was coming, And He came up to the Ancient of Days And was presented before Him. 14 “And to Him was given dominion, Glory and a kingdom, That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language Might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion Which will not pass away; And His kingdom is one Which will not be destroyed.
Of course, this is speaking about the resurrection when Jesus received the Kingdom. Therefore, the Kingdom is both designed for and intended for the Church Age; “That all the peoples, nations, and men of every language Might serve Him.” His Dominion was given over all peoples during the Church Age! If fact He was given all authority over both heaven and earth and He is now reigning until every enemy is put under His feet. His feet (of the High Priest) is in His functioning body.
Dan 2:44] “And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever.
The prophets were speaking of a future Kingdom that was to be established, that would be administrated by the people of God. However, this “manifested Kingdom” will be an extension of the Kingdom of Heaven and God’s Total Government! It is that “extended Kingdom” which has now been given to God’s First Born Son. He is, now, the Reigning King of this Kingdom. The Kingdom of Heaven is the real Eternal Kingdom. Why? That is because the Son gives His Kingdom to the Father so that God becomes the all in all. It is that Eternal Kingdom of heaven that Jesus said to pray for, that it would “come to earth and that the will of God would be done on the earth in the same measure it is being done in heaven.
This can only happen if the Kingdom, that is available now, becomes a subjective Kingdom Government within the fully redeemed people of God! However, BOTH the Kingdom experience, combined with the New Covenant experience, establishes the Christian Life! Why? Without the New Covenant experience there can be NO Kingdom Experience. That is why the Old Covenant could only announce the Kingdom but could NOT provide the Kingdom as LIFE! It is just the New Covenant that could provide an inner life that could support the Kingdom Experience. Why?
Jeremiah 31:31 “Behold, days are coming,” declares the LORD, “when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, 32 not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, although I was a husband to them,” declares the LORD. 33 “But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,” declares the LORD, “I will put My law within them, and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 34 “And they shall not teach again, each man his neighbor and each man his brother, saying, ‘Know the LORD,’ for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the LORD , “for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more.”
Ezekiel 36:26 “Moreover, I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. 27 “And I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances.
Luke 22:15 And He said to them, “I have earnestly desired to eat this Passover with you before I suffer; 16 for I say to you, I shall never again eat it until it is fulfilled in the kingdom of God.” 17 And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He said, “Take this and share it among yourselves; 18 for I say to you, I will not drink of the fruit of the vine from now on until the kingdom of God comes.” 19 And when He had taken some bread and given thanks, He broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 20 And in the same way He took the cup after they had eaten, saying, “This cup which is poured out for you is the new covenant in My blood.”
The New Covenant begins as a removal from the heart of those things inherited from first Adam (a heart of stone) and then provides the addition of NEW THINGS. God forgives sins and iniquities Before He puts a New Spirit in us! Then, in addition to the New Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, He puts His Spirit in us. It is by these additions that God can begin to cause us to walk in His ways. But when did this New Covenant begin? This Covenant was ratified at Calvary and began when Jesus carried and sprinkled His own blood on the Mercy Seat in Heaven.
Now, at last, God can add to the basic New Covenant Provision, another essential dimension! This dimension arrived WITH THE REDEEMER when He returned from Heaven! For 40 days He dwelt with His disciples to confirm the New Covenant experiences! How? He spent 40 days preaching and explaining the Kingdom of God to His disciples. Why didn’t He do that before Calvary? That was because the possibility of participating in the Kingdom must wait until the New Covenant was ratified and become available to His Disciples.
This is what became available; It is called Pentecost, the Feast following Passover! That is when this prophesy became reality. In John 20:22 Jesus had blown His Spirit, the Spirit of Christ, into them and they were born again. Now, the next part of the prophesy came.
I WILL PUT MY SPIRIT WITHIN YOU AND I WILL CAUSE YOU TO WALK IN MY WAYS, SO YOU WILL BE CAREFUL TO KEEP MY STATUTES AND ORDINANCES AND DO THEM! This was announced but must wait until Pentecost. Then, both the Spirit of Christ AND the Holy Spirit was added to their New Covenant experience!
Therefore, both the New Covenant experiences, combined with the Kingdom Government of God, is the key to experiencing the Isaiah 59 portion of the New Covenant. It is this portion of the New Covenant that is still waiting to be fulfilled. Even though this may already be the experience of very few, this reality has not yet become a “RESTORATION” experienced by “all His Offspring or the offspring of the offspring.
I believe that The Heavens MUST retain Jesus until EVERYTHING the prophets spoke is fulfilled.
Act 3:19 “Repent therefore and return, that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you, 21 whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time.
It is for that reason that it seems plausible that Jesus will NOT return until this prophesy of Isaiah is fulfilled. This is a major prophesy that will have a tremendous impact upon the church and an tremendous manifestation to the nations.
Since the Gospel of the Kingdom is just now (2016) being restored to the church, I am speculating that this prophesy is directly linked to the New Covenant and to the Kingdom Government, in full restoration! Even though the REDEEMER has already “come to Zion” the rest of this prophesy has not yet been restored or fulfilled! Let us look at the details of the prophesy to see what the church should SOON be experiencing.
Remember that this is a COVENANT that God has already made, through Calvary, with those who have truly repented! ( those who turn from transgression in Jacob). This COVENANT becomes an absolute. God has not revoked this COVENANT!
Isa 59:20 “And a Redeemer will come to Zion, And to those who turn from transgression in Jacob,” declares the LORD. 21 “And as for Me, (the Lord) this is My covenant with them,” says the LORD: “My Spirit which is upon you,( the Redeemer) and My words which I have put in your (the redeemer) mouth, shall not depart from your (the redeemer) mouth, nor from the mouth of your offspring, nor from the mouth of your offspring’s offspring,” says the LORD, “from now and forever.”
The same Spirit that was on the Redeemer and the same Word God put in His mouth will by COVENANT be also upon those who “turn” from their transgressions!
This part of the New Covenant has not yet been restored to the church! My theory is that since this is by COVENANT each of us should be expecting that it will happen in our generation. According to these verses this manifestation should be universal among ALL true believers. If this is NOT happening, why is it not?
The principle of heaven is that everybody, that is now in heaven, is doing the will of God! If anyone is not willing to do the will of God, they certainly cannot be citizens of heaven. Therefore, the minimum requirement for dwelling in heaven is this; we must do the whole will of God. All those who do not want God to rule over them will suddenly find themselves in another dwelling place! We might ask the question; Why would anyone not want God to rule over them? Would there ever be such a group? The answer is, yes, and in every generation and even in the Millennial Kingdom of Christ there will be those who refuse to permit Christ to rule over them!
Satan and about 1/3 of the angels decided to initiate another counterfeit system where Satan would exalt himself and attempt to set his throne above the stars of God. Of course, he was thrown out of heaven.
It is this reality that is an objective and stark example to ALL others who choose that path of individualism. It is here, in this life, that we learn obedience. Any groups that are not pressing their way into full obedience are following the wrong path and the wrong king.
Isa 14:12] “How you have fallen from heaven, O star of the morning, son of the dawn! You have been cut down to the earth, You who have weakened the nations! [13] “But you said in your heart, “I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. [14] `I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.’ [15] “Nevertheless you will be thrust down to Sheol, To the recesses of the pit.
WILL BE means in the future.
All those who align themselves with Satan and his character of anarchy and rebellion against the government and purpose of God, will be thrown out of God’s Presence! They all will find their place with Satan in the “recesses” of the pit of hell. But what about those who “believe something about Jesus?” Those who are “true believers” will believe the “right thing about Who Jesus really is” and, therefore, will surrender their life to serve and obey Him and seek for Him to reign in them and over them. They will believe unto obedience as we see in John 3:36. We should see these scriptures from the viewpoint of the New Covenant and the Kingdom of God!
John 3:36 “He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him.”
It is amazing how this verse is ignored by the gospel of salvation, that many pervert by teaching that “grace” is our substitute for obedience! The error declares that because of God’s Grace, we no longer need to obey because obedience is just “works” that can never “save us.” A simple reading of scriptures reveals the horrendous lie and deception of this error.
Heb 5:8] Although He was a Son, He learned obedience from the things which He
suffered. [9] And having been made perfect, He became to all those who obey Him the source of eternal salvation.
If we could identify the work of the devil and his history in past eternity, we might understand the conflict we experience during this church age! Sometime, in eternity past, the devil, his angels and his people (sons) possessed the earth and its cities. However, during this dispensation that began in Genesis one, these former spirits, now without bodies, that inhabited the world before this one, “must not arise and take possession of the earth And fill the face of the world with cities.” Why? That is what destroyed the world before this one!
Isa 14:20----You have slain your people. May the offspring of evildoers not be mentioned forever. [21] “Prepare for his sons a place of slaughter Because of the iniquity of their fathers. They must not arise and take possession of the earth And fill the face of the world with cities.”
In the Present Kingdom age [in this church age] all possible, future rebellion and anarchy must be solved by His Government and the inner working of God in men’s lives, TODAY! Why? That is because in the Eternal Kingdom EVERYONE must serve and obey Him. In the Eternal Kingdom, even those who dwell on the New Earth will joyfully live under the absolute Kingdom Government of God and joyfully do His will. How do we know that?
Because all the others will be put in another place where the multitudes, assign to that terrible place, will have the same attitude and character of rebellion and anarchy! Now, Jesus warns all the people by parable; if you intend to make that place your eternal home, to make as many friends as possible among those people now so that when you fail, in this life, you can be among friends there!
Following the Millennial Kingdom there will be a final resurrection but none of the rebellious will be resurrected to take possession of the earth ever again. There will never be cities established, anywhere in the New Earth, that will be in rebellion against the Kingdom Government of God. (Obviously, we see this rebellion in the current attitude and experience of the world today! Why? Nearly all people are in rebellion against God and refuse to let Him rule over them. What is the solution? Preach the Kingdom AND the consequences! Why? These “attitudes” must be solved now, in this life! Why? Everybody must do the will of God NOW! Why? His will must be done on this earth just to qualify as His family!
In the World yet to come; even the New Earth will be heaven because the will of God will be done! The Kingdom of Heaven will extend to the New Earth, the New Heaven and His governmental laws, which will originate in Mount Zion, will be obeyed.
Satan started his career in heaven as a high profile person and in a very high position of authority but because of rebellion he was thrown out of heaven. Why? That is because he didn’t want God to rule over him.
Luke 19:14] “But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, `We do not want this man to reign over us.’ [27] “But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence.”
Some of these parables give us tremendous insight into the government of God and His absolute sovereignty. Just this basic principle of Christ ruling over our life, during this time of apprenticeship training for eternity, will determine our eternal destiny. Why is this important?
Multitudes are being “half-saved, by forgiveness of sins” who are never told about the Kingdom of God and the reign of Jesus Christ now over those who claim to be His citizens or in verse 13 (from His viewpoint) His slaves. Just to be included in His family it is essential that we do the will of God. Becoming “HIS SLAVES” (His bond-servants) is NOT a negative thing but is the path to Zion.
However, Those who did not want me to reign over them, will be very disappointed when the final judgement is given. “Bring them here and slay them in my presence” seems very severe to the half-saved.
Mat 12:50] “For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.”
In most every church today this would be a revolutionary concept and would be rejected by most Christian leaders. Why? Because the message of the Kingdom of God has been ignored by so many preachers who imply that we can be “saved” by faith only, but if we want”rewards” we might consider doing the will of God. Doing the will of God is presented as an option and something different from “salvation.” Doing His will is treated as “an add on” to salvation rather than as the basis of the Kingdom Government ruling over our redeemed life.
By combining a few of these Kingdom scriptures together it becomes clear that this Christian life is just apprenticeship training for the Eternal Kingdom and our preparation for God’s Eternal Purpose in the “World” yet to come. If we don’t seek God diligently to discover His will for our life and then do it, the “highest order of our great and eternal salvation” is in jeopardy. Doing the will of God is synonymous with Christ ruling over us. When we ignore His will we are in effect saying “We don’t want this man to rule over us.”
If this Kingdom truth was preached, in any fundamental church in America, we would be asked to leave and take that false doctrine with us. The evidence of the lack of the Gospel of the Kingdom is seen in the lukewarm, casual, apathetic lives and pitiful testimonies of those in the visible church, who think sitting in a pew and listening to an irrelevant message is all God requires! The fallen church system is responsible for this lack of the real Kingdom message. Doing the will of God is just a first principle, the minimum, to participate in the active Kingdom Government of God, which must now be in our experience.
Mat 12:48 But He answered the one who was telling Him and said, “Who is My mother and who are My brothers?” 49 And stretching out His hand toward His disciples, He said, “Behold, My mother and My brothers! 50 “For whoever does the will of My Father who is in heaven, he is My brother and sister and mother.”
Doing His Will is the very minimum requirement to participate in God’s present government or even to be included in His family] Doing His will was also the requirement to participate in God’s Kingdom Government in eternity past! This was the failure of Satan and 1/3 of the angels who refused to do God’s will and submit to His Ultimate Authority.
Would God be just and righteous if He failed to tell us that our eternal destiny is determined by this simple requirement of doing His will? Of course not! Then how can we be just (justified, righteous) if we fail to tell those who don’t have a clue about the Laws of His Kingdom Government about God’s eternal requirements? As a remedy, the Gospel of the Kingdom, when preached in fulness, solves this problem and those who can hear are left with no excuse but to get prepared to obey.
If this gospel of the Kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a witness to every nation before the end will come, it seems clear that we must do our part to reveal the Government of the Kingdom and His Requirements to our generation. This lukewarm gospel of the half-priced sale, the gospel of the bargains, which is based upon cheap grace must be reversed by the Kingdom Truth before we can proceed to preaching the demands!
The Fall of man must be reversed by the full experience of each foundation, first, before we can fully live the Christian Life and participate in His Kingdom Government. For that reason, everything in the Christian life must be modified by the demands of the Kingdom of God or the visible church will just remain lukewarm, casual and not fully committed to a full redemption and radical inner New Covenant change. That means a complete metamorphosis from being a generic heathen to becoming a citizen and participant in the highest realms of the Kingdom of Heaven, Mount Zion.
Seeking for the manifestation of supernatural gifts without seeking for the full growth of the new inner man, and obedience to His Government, is the source of the failed ministry in the last restoration that ended in 1985! Having an Active Ministry, without knowing the will of God, is a grievous mistake! We have seen “prophets” lay hands on the undeveloped and spiritually ignorant and “impart” a imaginary gift and a “world wide ministry” that has nothing to do with the will of God. The experiential Kingdom Government, within, will expose this deception.
This “seeker friendly” gospel of the give-a-ways and the gospel of the bargains, the Gospel of the half-priced sale, must be openly condemned as too little, too late, and much too shallow for today! Why, Every Christian person must be radically modified by the Kingdom and His Laws rather than the Kingdom being modified to accept the half-saved and the lukewarm. For the past 100 years too much “Christian diplomacy” of “inclusion and acceptance” for all who will say these words and who believes our doctrine has reduced the “visible church” down to a social club that cannot manifest Christ or be a light to the world.
This is exactly why the “Consecration offering” and our surrender to the life of a bondservant is all part of the gospel of the Kingdom and critical to the next restoration. This “consecration of our body to do the whole will of God” is just foundational and preliminary to the next restoration. That is just getting ready, a basic preparation, for the eternal Kingdom Government of God, which must become experiential in our life.
Luke 12:47] “And that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, shall receive many lashes, [48] but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds worthy of a flogging, will receive but few.
To “know the will of God” and then not act in accord with His will is a very dangerous plan. This dispensation of the Christian Life is just for getting ready for the dispensation of the Eternal Kingdom where everyone must do the will of God. We can almost hear a chorus of objection rising up asking “What about God’s grace?” Doesn’t God’s grace overlook our refusal or casual attitude about doing God’s will? Not at all! It is God’s grace that enables us to find and do God’s will but does not excuse us for ignoring God’s will.
Well, if we receive our “many lashes” will that make up for our rebellion and permit us to be excused so we can participate in the eternal Kingdom? That would be a very dangerous assumption to make in the light of what Jesus taught. Why shouldn’t we just seek God diligently and discover His will and do it? Wouldn’t that be a better plan?
Wouldn’t that would be much safer! Yes, of course, but that wouldn’t be convenient for me because I’m not ready to offer myself as a bondservant to God so what are my other options? My plan is just to get into heaven. I have no ambition about fulfilling God’s Purpose!
Just give me the words I can say will just to get me into heaven. What doctrine can I believe to just get ? Why would you want to do that? That is because even the New Earth is good enough for me?
This is a big problem with the Gospel of the Kingdom of God! It doesn’t offer us various options! We cannot choose between various insurance plans! If we don’t want “this man, Jesus Christ, to rule over us” the alternative is to brought into His Presence and be killed.
Well, isn’t this very legalistic? Yes! But we are not speaking about the laws of man or what is convenient for man but we are presenting the demands and laws of the Kingdom of God and how His government works. To just wait until the end and “plan to make a plea bargain at the judgement seat of Christ” is ignorant. Besides this, the long lines at the plea bargain table will be terrible because of the perversion of grace that has been preached. Just beyond the “plea bargain table” will be the one “who takes away” the grace and the life that was given to you.
As the demands of the Kingdom come out into the light, it will be clear that this “Christian life” is not about fun and games and shaking hands with Jesus. When the rebellious try to step over into the “glory of God” they will discover He dwells in that consuming fire and dwells in unapproachable light. When the rebellious approach God they will immediately be aware that sinners in Zion are terrified. Trembling has seized the godless. It will be difficult make a plea bargain when you are speechless.
Mat 22:12] and he said to him, `Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?’ And he was speechless. [13] “Then the king said to the servants, `Bind him hand and foot, and cast him into the outer darkness; in that place there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.’ [14] “For many are called, but few are chosen.”
Jesus’ “friends” who are invited to the feast should also have on the proper wedding garments just to be granted access to the feast. Having on inferior or unclean garments are NOT another option for the “super grace” people. Having on “proper garments” is NOT JUST WORKS that can never save you! These are the requirements just to find a seat.
Rejoicing in the multitudes who are “called” or have received forgiveness of sins, is a little premature. Our “harvest” will be measured by those who have been faithful and who are “chosen.” The “wood, hay and straw” that fill the pews in many churches may make a good show but our harvest is measured by the “silver, gold and precious stones” that remain after the fire of God tests the work.
Right in the middle of preaching the requirements of the Kingdom someone will ask “But what about spiritual warfare?” Could you explain about the tribulation? Where did Cain get his wife? All these things are irrelevant unless we are living in the Kingdom Government of God! We must set the primary things in place first. Those who are living in rebellion, who are apathetic toward God’s will or are ignorant of the Government of God or fail to recognize His enemies, are not candidates for spiritual warfare. In addition to this, those who are not willing to do His will cannot understand spiritual things anyway!
John 7:17] “If any man is willing to do His will, he shall know of the teaching, whether it is of God, or whether I speak from Myself.
Even the carnal want to know about spiritual things because of curiosity and not so they can serve God and obey Him. This is the frustration of trying to teach spiritual things to carnal people. If we placed this principle of maturity in the Tabernacle graphic we would understand that the”meat of the word” and “clearer spiritual insight” is limited to those in the Holy Place who have given themselves, “in consecration to God” and as a living sacrifice to do His will. The Outer Court EXPERIENCES are just preparation for the priesthood. This is exactly why the priesthood ministry must begin in the Holy Place and not in the Outer Court. We should not separate the “Holy Place function of the priests” from “the Kingdom of Priests” that God is preparing to rule over the world yet to come.
In the wholly spiritual light of the Seven Spirits of God in the Holy Place, the demands of the Kingdom are quite reasonable. The casual approach to priesthood ministry ,that we see in Nadab and Abihu, is exposed as totally unacceptable. [Lev 10:1-2] The Bible indicates that they were drunk. This reveals that their approach to God was entirely too casual for the Holy Place ministry! The fire of God consumed them and even their father, Aaron, was not permitted to grieve over their death in that Holy Realm. There was no plea bargain because of ignorance!
But aren’t you ignoring the mercy of God? We need to begin to think in terms of the Kingdom requirements rather than use God’s mercy and grace as an excuse for every failure to fulfill our obligation to God and His government. But what if these poor sons of the high priest didn’t know any better? Wasn’t that just a mistake that should have been forgiven? No! They were in training for that ministry for a year so there was no excuse. Shouldn’t God’s mercy and grace be balanced out with God’s revealed standards and His judgement?
The real question is this; Should we continue to present a shallow, one sided gospel of grace, that ignores obedience to the revealed Laws of God?
The “History of the Kingdom” has no beginning but it will have an ending for us personally if we don’t submit to its absolute authority and sovereignty. Of course, if you are offended by the requirements of the Kingdom, there is always Satan’s kingdom that will accept us without any requirements. Everybody can qualify to participate in his kingdom of darkness. All you have to do is reject God’s Kingdom Government over your lives.
Luke 19:14] “But his citizens hated him, and sent a delegation after him, saying, `We do not want this man to reign over us.’ [27] “But these enemies of mine, who did not want me to reign over them, bring them here and slay them in my presence.”
But, brother, where is the love in that? Isn’t that very legalistic? Yes! That is according to the Laws of the Kingdom and we shouldn’t confuse this with the religious laws of man. Why? Because the Laws of the Kingdom are eternal! The Kingdom, its laws, its requirements and its judgements are all part of His Eternal Government. Obedience to God is the very first indication that we are serious about seeking FIRST His Kingdom and His Government. This “obedience” is first expressed by submitting to and experiencing ALL SEVEN of the required foundations
Making up doctrinal excuses why these foundations are unnecessary, because we are already saved, is part of this ignorance and is reflected in this rebellion that is inherent within the natural but religious man.
From the revelation of the Tabernacle of Moses, we should be able to see the necessity of the elimination of the natural man in preparing a TENT for the habitation of God and a starting place for the New Covenant Priesthood. Without the TENT there can be NO Holy Place life, in which the New Covenant Priesthood can function.
The next studies may be about the TENT.