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#332 Kingdom: Christ Our Everything

1 Cor 1:30] But by His doing you are in Christ Jesus, who became to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption, [31] that, just as it is written, “LET HIM WHO BOASTS, BOAST IN THE LORD.”

He Is also “The Resurrection and The Life.” He is “the Truth.” In Fact everything that God has to give us is “in Christ” but IS also “CHRIST.” “Everything” is not a “thing at all” but Christ. God has made Christ to be all that God has to give us. Therefore, praying for “things” is becoming a waste of time.

Mat 6: 31] “Do not be anxious then, saying, `What shall we eat?’ or `What shall we drink?’ or `With what shall we clothe ourselves?’ [32] “For all these “things” the Gentiles eagerly seek; for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these “things.” [33] “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness; and all these “things” shall be added to you.

All “things” are in Christ and His Kingdom. If we find ourselves “in Christ and His Kingdom”, all the necessary “things” are there. We don’t need to bring anything with us. Standing outside and praying for God to send out the “things” we need is becoming a waste of time. Time is better spent getting into “Christ AND His Kingdom” where all “things” already are stored.

If we are becoming “sick of ourselves” it is time for our self-life to die, be buried and to be resurrected into His Life. When “we no longer live” but “Christ lives His Life in us” we can focus upon Him instead of ourselves. All this just sounds like more theology or fantasy but this is what the Bible teaches. Still, walking in the reality of death, burial and resurrection is the difficulty. However, if we never start believing what the Word Of God says we will not experience its reality. I will suggest that we begin by declaring that “Christ IS my righteousness” and I refuse to approach God because I am worthy or because of my conduct. My only access to God is “in Christ and His Righteousness.” Whether I feel I am worthy or my conduct has been “righteous” is totally irrelevant.

Therefore, “seeking the Kingdom and His Righteousness” has to begin with “His Righteousness” and not our personal conduct. Our personal conduct may be “righteous before men” but totally insufficient to stand before God. We may as well admit that the “Kingdom of Righteousness” is beyond our ability and certainly beyond our conduct. AFTER we get this revelation, we may have enough wisdom to receive “Christ Jesus AS our Righteousness” and stop pretending our conduct is sufficient to give us access to God.

We can always perceive when we try to meet a crisis or respond to a negative remark with our own life (psuche) or when we meet that crisis with His life. Just listen to what we say and we will know from which fountain it flowed.

James 3: 8] But no one can tame the tongue; it is a restless evil and full of deadly poison. [9] With it we bless our Lord and Father; and with it we curse men, who have been made in the likeness of God; [10] from the same mouth come both blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be this way. [11] Does a fountain send out from the same opening both fresh and bitter water?

Obviously the “two fountain syndrome” is not how God has designed us to function. It ought not be this way but obviously it is this way. Why? Because there are still two fountains and God has designed us to have only one fountain. That One Fountain IS CHRIST. We might say “Christ has been made unto us ONE FOUNTAIN” in the same way He has been “Made unto us One Righteousness.” Even IF Christ has been made unto us Righteousness, we can still respond in an unrighteous way. Thus, two fountains, one flowing sweet water and the other bitter out of the same mouth. We might conclude that when “Christ is formed in us” there will be one fountain. If we detect two fountains flowing out our mouth, we know God has a lot of work to complete in us. I have found that drying up the “bitter fountain” is not very quick. Just getting the “Sweet water to flow” is not automatic either.

Christ our Life, our righteousness, our wisdom, our truth, our sanctification etc. is the Sweet Water. Where then is the Holy Spirit in all this? He is revealing THIS Christ to us and is leading us into this Christ that IS our Life and our Truth.

Removing the sin issue by forgiveness through the blood and carrying the sin away from us is for the most part clearly preached but the garbage left in the flesh by living for years in Adam has generally been overlooked. This is a big issue in preparing to advance into the Holy Place Priesthood ministry. If we “tear our garments” in that dimension it is a serious thing. For that reason “Christ Who Is Our Righteousness” is a serious issue for us at the present time.